Tuesday, December 15, 2009

100% macbaby

i squeal everytime i see a mac on a movie.  it's just that mac users are a limited few, and i love to see someone using a mac coz i know how happy she is, or will be once she knows the ins and outs of mac computers...

so i also squealed like a piglet when i saw a pink macbook like mine on 'confessions of a shopaholic', and though macs are generally white (or that black macbook that kc concepcion owns), i was happy that she also used a case to beautify her baby.  i got mine from ebay and it's a hard case covering the top and the bottom, but hers look like a clasp-on thing...

since 2003 i have been hooked on apple and never got back to pc.  my husband bought me and ibook before, and two years ago replaced it with a newer macbook, and it is one machine i can't go through a day without.

i have more than a hundred applications, from simple time displays to serious house renderings, and basically anything that can enhance my usage.  i use it when i cook, when i want to watch a movie, when i want to emote with love songs, when working, when vacationing, and in my waking hours, 4 hours will not pass without my hands touching a mac.

i super super love it.  and i will not replace it with a pc ever...

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