his first birthday and we're not there... wahhhhh! it is so depressing...
overacting aside, how early can you remember your birthday? i can only remember it when i was in gradeschool.
grade 1 - i ate spaghetti at school.
grade 2 - i wasn't at school. i had chicken pox and even though i wasn't contagious anymore i still didn't come back after 3 months hihi!
grade 3 - i was in guimaras, and i had a broken elbow. imagine me going to school with a bandage.
grade 4 - i think i had a terrible headache and just stayed in bed. saddest ever...
grade 5 - there was a storm. we went to school to check if we were allowed to go, coz i didn't want to spend it at home. i don't have parents like you...
i slipped at school, wet my skirt and it turns out the classes were suspended.
grade 6 - my mother came home from hongkong and we had a big celebration. i was the star! it was weird and i didn't know how to handle it so i tried to be low-profile...
high school birthdays weren't much remembered too... except for this one time when we were practicing for choir practice and it was almost over when pastor told the band "ok..." and we were ready to sing our song when they all sang "happy birthday".
i almost cried.
thinking back, i realized it wasn't normal what i had for my birthdays. weren't your parents suppose to at least prepare something and make you feel special especially if you're still a child and birthday were magical days when your wishes comes true?
im overacting again...
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