Wednesday, December 9, 2009


ok, lesson no. 37, however good or bad a situation is, it will change.

this week was a rollercoaster of situations in our office, from being the favorite to being scolded, hehe, but everything changes, and i have mastered the art of erasing memories that i don't like.

yet no matter how many times i disappoint my boss he still comes back the next morning with a smile on his face.  no memories of phone-slamming the day before.  wow... this is so cool!!!  i am starting to appreciate my job...

so if it was a bad day i'd probably sleep it out, and if it is a good day i'll post in my blog xD

unfortunately for irish, she was really set to go.  too bad, i really wanted her to stay coz she is so much fun to be with, forgetfulness and clumsiness aside.  most of the people who left the office said they'll pass by every now and then... but time passes and people forget.  i hope it doesn't happen to irish.

anyways as set as i am to go home on the 24th, my boss is also set to go to the far east on saturday.  wohoo!  12 days of freedom!

oh, no, i remembered that i was scheduled to clean the pile of stuff i've left at my sidetable when they leave.  oh, well, it's still good coz we have another 3-day holiday next week.  i love bahrain's holidays!

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